Saturday 26 May 2012

Here is the beginning of Life's Little Tangles, finally. I started stitching on it Wednesday, I believe. I originally started doing it two threads thick. I am stitching over 2 on 25 ct. Jack and I looked at it together and discussed that you could see too much of the white material underneath, so I frogged what I had stitched and redid what I had done and have added some since with a thickness of three threads. I really am enjoying stitching this. I am working on a couple of other projects as well, so  right now not all my time is devoted to this. It has been quite awhile since I posted to this group, so I thought I better let you know I finally got started. I'll post more as I do more.


  1. Nice start. You have chosen wisely to redo in an early stage. If you're unhappy with the coverage, better to change before months of work are spilled.

  2. What I have, thus far is in the top left corner, where everyone said is best to start. I have stitched 30 to the right, so from 0 - 30 and then am working on 30 down too, so 0 - 30 that way as well. My first actual 10 x 10 square only has a few stitches left in it (under 10 I think) to be completely done. The second 10 x 10 square (so stitches 10 - 20 only have a few stitches to be done with it as well.

  3. Looking Fabulous! I did a re-start on mine initially too.

    1. When I told Jack what I had posted about the re-start because of two thread thickness vs three thread, he reminded me that this was not my only restart on this project. I originally started doing it over one, two thick....that was too thick discovered quickly so frogged. Then tried doing it over one one thick...was too hard on my eyes to decided would do project over two...then had to wait for the material to get here because didn't have a piece big enough. You know the rest. I don't see anymore restarts on this one. I also now know how I will do any other HAED I do in the future. Over two is so much easier, for me.

    2. I restarted mine three times, and the last time was for the same reason; I thought it needed three threads for the right coverage.

    3. I do like how it is looking with the three thread thickness. I officially have spaces 0 - 30, going from left to right and top to bottom completely done.

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